The Hague, KB, 76 E 5
fol. 1r
Albertan of Brescia(?) and four philosophers: Seneca, Ovid, Avicenna and Sidrach
Fol. 1r: historiated initial
1r 85x85
iconclass 48C911 49C3(+3) 49L12(O) 49L171 61B2(ALBERTAN OF BRESCIA)21 61B2(AVICENNA)11(+5) 61B2(SIDRACH)11(+5) 98B(OVID)9(+5) 98B(SENECA)9(+5)
The Hague, KB, 76 E 5
fol. 7v
Albertan of Brescia(?)
Fol. 7v: historiated initial
7v 75x85
iconclass 48C913 49L12(U) 49L171 61B2(ALBERTAN OF BRESCIA)21
The Hague, KB, 76 E 5
fol. 33v
The Trinity (Mercy-Seat); the symbols of the four Evangelists
Fol. 33v: historiated initial
33v 90x85
iconclass 11B3231 11I42 49L12(D) 49L171
The Hague, KB, 76 E 5
fol. 47v
Beatrijs kneeling before Mary holding the Christ-child
Fol. 47v: historiated initial
47v 40x45
iconclass 11F4122 11F83 11P31522 49L12(U) 49L171 61B2(BEATRIJS)22
The Hague, KB, 76 E 5
fol. 57v
The head of Christ
Fol. 57v: historiated initial
57v 25x30
iconclass 11D31 49L12(M) 49L171
The Hague, KB, 76 E 5
fol. 61v
Alexander and Aristotle
Fol. 61v: historiated initial
61v 35x40
iconclass 98B(ALEXANDER THE GREAT) 49L12(D) 49L171 98B(ARISTOTLE)
The Hague, KB, 76 E 5
fol. 1r
Albertan of Brescia(?) and nine philosophers in roundels (partly unidentified)
Fol. 1r: historiated initial (margin, whole page)
1r 257x190
iconclass 48C911 61B2(ALBERTAN OF BRESCIA)21 / 49C3(+3)
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