The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 325r
Book 7, 11
Representation of various guises of Jupiter: 'Ruminus' (giving milk to animals); 'Almus' (giving wine and giving food); 'Supinalis' (overthrowing people)
Fol. 325r: column miniature
325r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 12F211 12F61 31A2331 31A2731(+62) 31AA22232 32B311(ROMANS) 41A771 41A775 41A777 41C111 41C121 41C6413 41C711 47I211(+945) 47I213(+945) 47I214(+945) 92B17:96A29(RUMINA)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 326v
Book 7, 12
Poverty of the avaricious: the misers sitting before Avarice and a table; the riches of the wise: Christians kneeling before God
Fol. 326v: column miniature
326v 120x80
iconclass 11D324 11L61 11N34 11Q2 22C312 25I12 31A233 41A711 41A771 41A773 41A775 41A777 41C3 55CC11(+11) 55CC11(+6) 96A5(AVARITIA)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 327r
Book 7, 13
Scholars discussing about Genius, a god who has the power of generation; sower, cattle and setting out plants (background)
Fol. 327r: column miniature
327r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 12FF63 31A25552 31A27411 41A777 47I131 47I132 47I211 49C4 96A43
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 328r
Book 7, 14
Traders before a statue of Mercury; soldiers before a statue of Mars
Fol. 328r: column miniature
328r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 32B311(ROMANS) 45A10:5(+11) 45B 45F3 46B0:5(+11) 46B2 92B47 92B57
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 329r
Book 7, 15
The quarrel between Venus and Juno about the name of the morning star is like that of the famous golden apple; the majority ascribe the morning star to Venus
Fol. 329r: column miniature
329r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 240 24C191 24F1(+0) 31A25552 31AA27631 45C13(SWORD) 49C4 92C14 92C44 94C111(+0)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 330r
Book 7, 16
Gods were also made seen as parts of the world: Apollo as the sun, Diana as the moon; Vulcan in his smithy on the island Lemnos ('Lannos') as the fire of the world; four men and a woman (the Earth?)
Fol. 330r: column miniature
330r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 21B 21C 24C214 24C217 31A25212 31AA2537 31A2763 31A27631 31A2764 31A4153 31AA27631 31BB13 61D(LEMNOS) 92B252 92B371 92C371
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 331v
Book 7, 17
Varro teaching about the divinities of the Roman religion
Fol. 331v: column miniature
331v 120x80
iconclass 11L61 12F13 12F63 31A25552 32B311(ROMANS) 33A34 49C3(+61) 49L11 49L511 49LL71 98B(VARRO, Marcus Terentius)5
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 332v
Book 7, 18
Saturn devouring his children; Jupiter chasing Saturn out of the city (background)
Fol. 332v: column miniature
332v 120x80
iconclass 11L61 25H15 31D111(+89) 31E3 44F62 45C13(SWORD) 45K14 91B11141 91B1116 92B14
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 333r
Book 7, 19
Saturn in the sky presiding the works of agriculture
Fol. 333r: column miniature
333r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 12F21 23A21(+0) 25FF411 25G3(+22) 31A233 31A2763(+0) 31AA2331 32B311(ROMANS) 44B1212 47I1111 47I134 47I141 47I15(PRUNING-KNIFE) 47I15(SCYTHE) 47I15(SICKLE) 91B1117 91B1118(SCYTHE)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 335r
Book 7, 20
Proserpina gathers flowers with her companions; Ceres concerned for her daughter Proserpina, whom Pluto carried off - the rape of Proserpina (background)
Fol. 335r: column miniature
335r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 12E84(ELEUSIS) 31A25344 31AA2331 31A2762 31AA2733 41A7751 43B144 92M16 92M251 92N1231