The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 316v
Book 7, 4
Saturn reaching Italy; Janus receiving Saturn; craftsmen at work (1st of 2)
Fol. 316v: column miniature
316v 120x80
iconclass 11L61 25I11 32B311(ROMANS) 33A11 46B3311 46B51 46C22 46C24(+64) 47B11(+12) 47B11(+21) 47B131 47G3 47G311 47G52 61E(JANICULUM) 61E(SATURNIA) 61F(VICUS ARGENTARIUS) 91B1115 96A1251
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 316v
Book 7, 4
Jupiter chases Saturn from Crete (2nd of 2)
Fol. 316v: column miniature
316v 120x80
iconclass 11L61 31A25212 44B125 44F62 61D(CRETE) 91B1116 92B14
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 317v
Book 7, 5
People worshipping the statues of Bacchus, Bonus Eventus and Pomona; God blessing a dead man and carrying his soul
Fol. 317v: column miniature
317v 120x80
iconclass 11D335(+0) 11D51 11L61 12F211 12FF63 22C312 31A233 31AA2331 31E3 31G31(+0) 31G4 32B311(ROMANS) 41A775 41C711(+5) 47I1111 47I1421 47I41 92L179 96A27 96A5(BONUS EVENTUS)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 319r
Book 7, 6
Jupiter deprives Lara of her tongue, Naiads, Juturna(?), Juno(?); the cosmos (world) divided in sky (ether and air) and earth (water and land); souls; God at the beginning of the creation: division of sea and earth; creation of birds; creation of fishes; creation of beastsof the field (background)
Fol. 319r: column miniature
319r 120x80
iconclass 10 11C211 11L61 21A 21B 21D 21E 31AA277 31D112(+89) 31G 71A23 71A251 71A252 92B142 92C15 92L312 96A243
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 320r
Book 7, 7
Souls ascending to Janus and Terminus, who are holding the world; souls descending to hell
Fol. 320r: column miniature
320r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 11T13 11T3 25O 25A13(+0) 25H17(+1) 25H23(+1) 31A27631 31D14(+89) 31D15(+89) 31G36 42E31 42E43 96A127 96A128(JANUS' HEAD) 96A16(+7)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 321r
Book 7, 8
Janus as an image with four faces (three of which are visible) image, called the double Janus, looking at the four parts of the world (East, West, North and South) (1st of 2)
Fol. 321r: column miniature
321r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 25A13 25A14 96A12 96A127 96A128(FOUR-FACED HEAD)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 321r
Book 7, 8
Men and animals in 'chaos (2nd of 2)
Fol. 321r: column miniature
321r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 25F23(LION) 25FF422 25H115 31AA25552 31D14 31D15 34B11 47I214 51DD1(+6)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 322v
Book 7, 9
Saturn; Rhea (inscribed 'Juno') hiding baby Jupiter (1st of 2)
Fol. 322v: column miniature
322v 120x80
iconclass 11L61 25H15 42A3 91B1114 92B111
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 322v
Book 7, 9
Jupiter; pagans worshipping idols (2nd of 2)
Fol. 322v: column miniature
322v 120x80
iconclass 11L61 12F211 12F61 12F63 31A2331 31AA2331 32B311(ROMANS) 92B15
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 324v
Book 7, 10
Adoration of Jupiter and Janus
Fol. 324v: column miniature
324v 120x80
iconclass 11L61 12F211 12F61 31A2331 31AA2331 31A25552 32B311(ROMANS) 49L71 92B17 96A127