The Hague, KB, 69 B 10
fol. 168v
Epistle I of St. Paul to St. Timothy
St. Paul writing a letter
Fol. 168v: historiated initial
168v 55x55
iconclass 11H(PAUL)12 46E221 49L12(P) 49L171 73F421
The Hague, KB, 69 B 10
fol. 170v
Epistle II of St. Paul to St. Timothy
St. Paul holding a book and a sword
Fol. 170v: historiated initial
170v 55x55
iconclass 11H(PAUL) 45C13(SWORD) 49L12(P) 49L171 49L72 73F421
The Hague, KB, 69 B 10
fol. 172r
Epistle of St. Paul to St. Titus
St. Paul holding a scroll
Fol. 172r: historiated initial
172r 55x55
iconclass 11H(PAUL)1 49L12(P) 49L171 49LL71 73F422
The Hague, KB, 69 B 10
fol. 172v
Epistle of St. Paul to St. Philemon
St. Paul holding a book and a sword
Fol. 172v: historiated initial
172v 55x55
iconclass 11H(PAUL) 45C13(SWORD) 49L12(P) 49L171 49L72 73F423
The Hague, KB, 69 B 10
fol. 179v
Epistle of St. James
St. James the Less holding a staff
Fol. 179v: historiated initial
179v 50x30
iconclass 11H(JAMES THE LESS) 41D263 49L12(I) 49L171 73F44
The Hague, KB, 69 B 10
fol. 183r
Epistles of St. Peter
St. Peter holding a book and a key
Fol. 183r: historiated initial
183r 55x50
iconclass 11H(PETER) 41A3281 49L12(S) 49L171 49LL72 73F45
The Hague, KB, 69 B 10
fol. 184v
Epistles of St. John
The Evangelist St. John holding the poisoned chalice
Fol. 184v: historiated initial
184v 55x55
iconclass 11H(JOHN) 11Q71441 31E233321(+0) 49L12(U) 49L171 73F46
The Hague, KB, 69 B 10
fol. 187r
Epistle of St. Jude
St. Jude Thaddaeus holding a sword
Fol. 187r: historiated initial
187r 60x35
iconclass 11H(JUDE THADDAEUS) 45C13(SWORD) 49L12(I) 49L171 73F47
The Hague, KB, 69 B 10
fol. 188ra1
The Evangelist St. John with his symbol the eagle on Patmos, the devil stealing the ink-well: vision of the appearance of the Son of Man
Fol. 188ra1: column miniature
188ra1 85x90
iconclass 11I421 11K4 49L62 73G11(+11) 73G12
The Hague, KB, 69 B 10
fol. 188ra2
The Evangelist St. John on Patmos having a vision
Fol. 188ra2: historiated initial
188ra2 50x60
iconclass 31B21 49L12(D) 49L171 73G11