The Hague, KB, 66 B 13
fol. 83r
Book 2: Chapter 7
Aulus Postumius Tubertus the Younger charging the enemy against the orders of his father
Fol. 83r: miniature
83r 345x255
iconclass 45B42 45H32(+22) 53BB5(+6) 83(VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Facta et dicta memorabilia, 2.7.) 98B(POSTUMIUS TUBERTUS FILIUS, A.)4
The Hague, KB, 66 B 13
fol. 83r
Book 2: Chapter 7
Aulus Postumius Tubertus the Elder has his son decapitated for fighting against his orders
Fol. 83r: miniature
83r 345x255
iconclass 31E23621 42B7411 45B425 45C13(SWORD) 83(VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Facta et dicta memorabilia, 2.7.6) 98B(TUBERTUS, A.P.)41
The Hague, KB, 66 B 13
fol. 83r
Book 2: Chapter 1
Triumph of Scipio Africanus major
Fol. 83r: miniature
83r 345x255
iconclass 45I61 45K4 45L4 83(VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Facta et dicta memorabilia, 2.8.4) 98B(SCIPIO AFRICANUS MAJOR)52
The Hague, KB, 66 B 13
fol. 83r
Book 2: Chapter 1
Metellus Numidicus before the judges
Fol. 83r: miniature
83r 345x255
iconclass 31A233 31A25552(+9211) 44G11 83(VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Facta et dicta memorabilia, 2.10.1) 98B(CAECILIUS METELLUS NUMIDICUS, Q.)6
The Hague, KB, 66 B 13
fol. 123r
Book 2: Chapter 2
The Numantines refuse to accept the Roman general Gaius Hostilius Mancinus as their hostage; he was delivered naked to their city by the Roman senate to shame him for his failure to conquer the city; Scipio Africanus Minor has soldiers dig trenches and then fill them againto restore military discipline, and then starves the Numantines by a siege; in despair many Numantines set fire to their city rather then surrender it
Fol. 123r: two-column miniature
123r 205x173
iconclass 31E236219 41D251 41D91 45H33(+22) 45K14 45K32 45K33 45L42(+0) 46C1211 47C21 47D8(PICK) 47D8(SHOVEL) 61E(NUMANTIA) 83(VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Facta et dicta memorabilia, 2.7.1) 98B(MANCINUS, GAIUS PUBLIUS)6 98B(SCIPIO AFRICANUS MINOR)4 98B(SCIPIO AFRICANUS MINOR)
The Hague, KB, 66 B 13
fol. 154r
Book 3: Chapter 1
Triumph of Lucius Siccius Dentatus
Fol. 154r: two-column miniature
154r 220x165
iconclass 25H114 25I12 45A31 45I61 46C131(+82) 46C131(+85) 83(VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Facta et dicta memorabilia, 3.2.24) 98B(SICCIUS, L.)5
The Hague, KB, 66 B 13
fol. 175v
Book 3: Chapter 3
Gaius Mucius Scaevola is arrested when attempting to kill the Etruscan king Lars Porsenna; furious with himself he puts his right hand into the fire
Fol. 175v: column miniature
175v 76x70
iconclass 12F211 12F63 31A233 41A2 41B21 44G372 45C14(LANCE) 45C41 45K14 45K21 45K3 83(VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Facta et dicta memorabilia, 3.3.1) 98B(PORSENA)5 98B(SCAEVOLA, C.M.)4 98B(SCAEVOLA, C.M.)61
The Hague, KB, 66 B 13
fol. 180v
Book 3: Chapter 4
Tarquin the Elder ('Priscus') and his wife Tanaquil sitting together in their carriage; an eagle seizes Tarquin's hat (the scene is inscribed "Tulus Hostilius")
Fol. 180v: column miniature
180v 48x73
iconclass 25F33(EAGLE)(+5262) 25H114 25I12 31A25552 46C1442 83(VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Facta et dicta memorabilia, 3.4.1) 98B(TARQUIN THE ELDER)51 98B(TULLUS HOSTILIUS)3
The Hague, KB, 66 B 13
fol. 184v
Book 3: Chapter 4
Socrates rebukes Alcibiades who was found with the girl Mylon; Xanthippe present
Fol. 184v: column miniature
184v 75x75
iconclass 31A2524 31A25552 33C226 49C32 49L72 49LL72 83(VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Facta et dicta memorabilia, 3.4 ext. 1) 98B(ALCIBIADES)2 98B(SOCRATES)52 98C(MYLON)2 98C(XANTHIPPE)5
The Hague, KB, 66 B 13
fol. 188r
Book 3: Chapter 5
The senate's reward for C. Duilius: having defeated the Carthaginians in the naval battle at Mylae, he is permitted to have music played and torches lit in front of him when returning from a banquet or supper
Fol. 188r: column miniature
188r 65x70
iconclass 25I12 41A3361 41B32(+1) 44B1526 45A31 48C7322 48C7352 61E(ROME) 83(VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Facta et dicta memorabilia, 3.6.4) 98B(DUILIUS, C.)5