The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 136r
Long Hours of the Cross: Prime
St. Dorothea of Caesarea holding a palm and a rose
Fol. 136r: historiated initial
136r 29x32
iconclass 11HH(DOROTHEA) 25G3(PALM-TREE)(+22) 25G41(ROSE) 49L12(G) 49L171
The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 140v
Long Hours of the Cross: Terce
The tortures of Christ: Christ is flagellated
Fol. 140v: full-page miniature
140v 72x44
iconclass 73D351
The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 141r
Long Hours of the Cross: Terce
St. James the Great holding a staff with a shell
Fol. 141r: historiated initial
141r 34x34
iconclass 11H(JAMES THE GREAT) 11Q624 11Q6251 49L12(G) 49L171
The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 145v
Long Hours of the Cross: Sext
The carrying of the cross: Christ bears the cross with the help of Simon the Cyrenian
Fol. 145v: full-page miniature
145v 70x44
iconclass 73D412 73D413
The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 145v
Long Hours of the Cross: Sext
An angel holding an instrument of the Passion: column
Fol. 145v: margin
iconclass 73D82(COLUMN)(+3)
The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 146r
Long Hours of the Cross: Sext
St. Catherine of Alexandria holding a wheel and a sword
Fol. 146r: historiated initial
146r 31x31
iconclass 11HH(CATHERINE) 44G321(WHEEL) 45C13(SWORD) 49L12(G) 49L171
The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 149v
Long Hours of the Cross: None
The Crucifixion, with Mary, St. John, the confessing centurion and soldiers
Fol. 149v: full-page miniature
149v 70x44
iconclass 45B 73DD625 73DD631 73D672
The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 150r
Long Hours of the Cross: None
A male saint (St. Philip?) holding a lance or spear
Fol. 150r: historiated initial
150r 25x15
iconclass 11H(...) 11H(PHILIP) 45C11(SPEAR) 45C14(LANCE) 49L12(W) 49L171
The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 153v
Long Hours of the Cross: Vespers
The Deposition: Christ is taken down from the cross
Fol. 153v: full-page miniature
153v 69x45
iconclass 73D712
The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 154r
Long Hours of the Cross: Vespers
An apostle holding a book
Fol. 154r: historiated initial
154r 32x24
iconclass 11H(...) 49L12(W) 49L171 49L72