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Full reference manuscripts

The Hague, KB, 78 A 32

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Choir-Psalter. Hymnary (Franciscan use)

Place of origin, date:

Limburg, Masters of the Dark Eyes (illuminator); 1521


Vellum, ff. 154, 482x360 (370x255) mm, 23 lines or 11 lines and music, littera textualis, Binding: contemporary brown leather; blind


4 historiated initials (85/80x80 mm); decorated initials


Franciscans of the Monastery Slavante, Maastricht (18th century); seized in 1796 by the French occupying forces and rediscovered in 1839 in Maastricht; acquired in 1840 as part of the Collection Maastricht (no. 362)


Hymnarium: . Opening leaf missing before f. 2 (Psalter, Psalm 1). 3 historiated initials cut out on f. 44v (Psalm 52), f. 64v (Psalm 80) and f. 73 (Psalm 97)


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