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Full reference manuscripts
The Hague, KB, 76 G 27
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Book of Hours (use of Sarum/Rouen)
Place of origin, date:
Rouen(?); c. 1450
Vellum, ff. 131, 174x140 (110x65) mm, 16 lines, littera textualis, Binding: 17th-/18th-century brown leather; gilt
12 miniatures (100x68 mm); decorated initials with border decoration (ff. 21r, 41r, 46r, 52r, 55r, etc.)
Joseph Désiré Lupus (d. 1822) of Brussels; purchased with his collection in 1819 by King William I of The Netherlands; kept from 1819-1822 at the Musée Lupus in the Palace of Charles de Lorraine at Brussels (no. A 35) and transferred in 1823 to the KB
calendar: feasts in red include St. Gervasius (19 June), St. Eligius (25 June), St. Martialis (3 July), St. Sauveur (6 August), St. Dionisius (9 October), St. Romanus (23 October)
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