The Hague, KB, 78 D 47
fol. 50v

III: Thebes
Meal of Adrastus, king of Argos: Polynices and Tydeus quarrel in the royal palace; Adrastus, king of Argos, stops the fight (1st of 4)
Fol. 50v: miniature
50v 66x75
iconclass 31A25552(+932) 41C3 41C5 44B125 94B113(+0)
The Hague, KB, 78 D 47
fol. 50v

III: Thebes
Adrastus presents his daughters Argia and Deipyle to Polynices and Tydeus (2nd of 4)
Fol. 50v: miniature
50v 66x75
iconclass 31A25552(+932) 33A131 44B121 94B114(+0)
The Hague, KB, 78 D 47
fol. 50v

III: Thebes
Adrastus questions Polynices and Tydeus about the fight against Thebes (3rd of 4)
Fol. 50v: miniature
50v 66x75
iconclass 31A25552(+932) 44B121 45F11 94B12 98B(ADRASTUS)5 98B(POLYNICES)5 98B(TYDEUS)5
The Hague, KB, 78 D 47
fol. 50v

III: Thebes
Adrastus and Tydeus as herald(?) (4th of 4)
Fol. 50v: miniature
50v 66x75
iconclass 44B125 31A25552(+932) 94B132(+0) 98B(ADRASTUS)5
The Hague, KB, 78 D 47
fol. 58r

III: Thebes
Tydeus kills the tiger of Thebes (1st of 4)
Fol. 58r: miniature
58r 68x80
iconclass 25F23(TIGER)(+621) 45H1(+22) 94B14 94B171 98B(TYDEUS)4