The Hague, KB, 76 G 9
fol. 49v

Hours of the Cross: Matins
Raising of Lazarus
Fol. 49v: margin
iconclass 73C5241
The Hague, KB, 76 G 9
fol. 50r

Hours of the Cross: Matins
The arrest of Christ, the ear of Malchus cut off by St. Peter; the Agony in the Garden: Christ prays in Gethsemane (background)
Fol. 50r: miniature
50r 100x75
iconclass 73D31211 73D314 73D3141
The Hague, KB, 76 G 9
fol. 50v

Hours of the Cross: Matins
The tortures of Christ: the blindfolded Christ is mocked by soldiers
Fol. 50v: historiated initial
50v 45x50
iconclass 49L12(H) 49L171 73D3532
The Hague, KB, 76 G 9
fol. 53v

Hours of the Cross: Matins, 1st Lesson
Christ before Annas
Fol. 53v: historiated initial
53v 45x45
iconclass 49L12(L) 49L171 73D321
The Hague, KB, 76 G 9
fol. 56v

Hours of the Cross: Lauds
Christ before Caiaphas
Fol. 56v: miniature
56v 100x75
iconclass 73D3222