The Hague, KB, 76 G 22
fol. 27r

Suffrage to St. Bartholomew
St. Bartholomew holding a knife and a book
Fol. 27r: miniature
27r 42x42
iconclass 11H(BARTHOLOMEW) 47D8(KNIFE) 49L72
The Hague, KB, 76 G 22
fol. 27v

Suffrage to St. Laurence of Rome
St. Laurence of Rome holding a gridiron and a book
Fol. 27v: miniature
27v 42x44
iconclass 11H(LAURENCE) 11Q71467(DALMATIC) 44G321(GRIDIRON) 49L72
The Hague, KB, 76 G 22
fol. 28r

Suffrage to St. Stephen
St. Stephen holding stones and with stones on his head
Fol. 28r: miniature
28r 43x43
iconclass 11H(STEPHEN) 25D12
The Hague, KB, 76 G 22
fol. 28v

Suffrage to St. Vincent of Saragossa
St. Vincent of Saragossa holding a book
Fol. 28v: miniature
28v 42x43
iconclass 11H(VINCENT) 49L72
The Hague, KB, 76 G 22
fol. 29r

Suffrage to St. Martin
St. Martin, Bishop of Tours, gives part of his cloak to a beggar
Fol. 29r: miniature
29r 43x43
iconclass 11H(MARTIN)41 31A415