The Hague, KB, 76 F 7
fol. 86v

Prayer to the Virgin
The Annunciation: Gabriel announces Christ's birth to Mary
Fol. 86v: historiated initial
86v 40x55
iconclass 11C23 11E1 49L12(S) 49L171 49LL72 49N 73A522(+11) 73A522(+13)
The Hague, KB, 76 F 7
fol. 91r

Prayer to the Virgin
Pièta: Mary mourning the dead Christ
Fol. 91r: historiated initial
91r 40x50
iconclass 49L12(O) 49L171 73D7221
The Hague, KB, 76 F 7
fol. 97v

Prayer to the Virgin
The dedication of Mary: Mary ascends the temple-steps
Fol. 97v: historiated initial
97v 45x50
iconclass 49L12(U) 49L171 73A34
The Hague, KB, 76 F 7
fol. 101r1

Prayer to Christ
The Crucifixion: Christ is nailed to the cross
Fol. 101r1: historiated initial
101r1 35x45
iconclass 49L12(O) 49L171 73D55
The Hague, KB, 76 F 7
fol. 101r2

Prayer to Christ
The three crosses on Golgotha
Fol. 101r2: historiated initial
101r2 45x55
iconclass 49L12(T) 49L171 73D58 73D672(+0) 73D714