The Hague, KB, 76 F 7
fol. 33v

St. Margaret of Antioch emerging from the dragon
Fol. 33v: full-page miniature
33v 130x80
iconclass 11G25 11HH(MARGARET)52(+1) 31A25212
The Hague, KB, 76 F 7
fol. 35v

Hours of the Virgin: Matins
The Agony in the Garden: Christ prays in Gethsemane
Fol. 35v: full-page miniature
35v 130x80
iconclass 49L72 73D31211(+11)
The Hague, KB, 76 F 7
fol. 36r

Hours of the Virgin: Matins
The Annunciation: Gabriel announces Christ's birth to Mary
Fol. 36r: miniature
36r 85x75
iconclass 11C231(+0) 11E1 49LL72 49N 73A523(+11) 73A523(+13)
The Hague, KB, 76 F 7
fol. 43v

Hours of the Virgin: Lauds
The arrest of Christ: the kiss of Judas; the ear of Malchus cut off by St. Peter
Fol. 43v: full-page miniature
43v 125x80
iconclass 73D313 73D3142
The Hague, KB, 76 F 7
fol. 44r

Hours of the Virgin: Lauds
The Visitation: Mary meets St. Elisabeth
Fol. 44r: miniature
44r 85x65
iconclass 73A623