The Hague, KB, 76 F 29
fol. 2v

Breviary of St. Bridget: Sunday
St. Bridget of Sweden having a vision in which a fire from heaven descends upon the altar during Mass and the host changes into the Christ-child
Fol. 2v: full-page miniature
2v 207x157
iconclass 11C14 11D133 11D24 11D331(+3) 11H(ALL SAINTS) 11H(JOHN THE BAPTIST) 11HH(BRIDGET)12(+0) 11I3 11I62(ABRAHAM)3 11I62(DAVID)3 11Q7151 11Q731125 11S11(+0) 31B21
The Hague, KB, 76 F 29
fol. 3r

Breviary of St. Bridget: Sunday
Madonna: Mary holding the Christ-child
Fol. 3r: historiated initial
3r 42x52
iconclass 11FF422 11F715 11F725 49L12(D) 49L171
The Hague, KB, 76 F 29
fol. 14v

Breviary of St. Bridget: Monday
The Annunciation: Gabriel announces Christ's birth to Mary
Fol. 14v: historiated initial
14v 30x34
iconclass 11E1 49L12(D) 49L171 49LL72 73A522(+13)
The Hague, KB, 76 F 29
fol. 23v

Breviary of St. Bridget: Tuesday
The Nativity: the Christ-child in the manger, Mary and St. Joseph sit
Fol. 23v: historiated initial
23v 36x47
iconclass 49L12(D) 49L171 73B131 73B28
The Hague, KB, 76 F 29
fol. 33r

Breviary of St. Bridget: Wednesday
Birth of Mary
Fol. 33r: historiated initial
33r 37x43
iconclass 49L12(D) 49L171 73A31