The Hague, KB, 76 F 17
fol. 108r

Suffrage to St. Stephen
The martyrdom of St. Stephen: he is stoned to death
Fol. 108r: miniature
108r 37x34
iconclass 31E23411 73F3563
The Hague, KB, 76 F 17
fol. 108v

Suffrage to St. Laurence of Rome
The martyrdom of St. Laurence of Rome: he is roasted on a gridiron
Fol. 108v: miniature
108v 37x36
iconclass 11H(LAURENCE)62 31E231211 44G321(GRIDIRON)
The Hague, KB, 76 F 17
fol. 108v

Suffrage to St. Antony Abbot of Egypt
St. Antony Abbot of Egypt holding a rosary and a staff
Fol. 108v: miniature
108v 34x33
iconclass 11H(ANTONY ABBOT) 11P3151 11P315311 11Q22 41D263
The Hague, KB, 76 F 17
fol. 109r

Suffrage to St. Catherine of Alexandria
The death of St. Catherine of Alexandria
Fol. 109r: miniature
109r 37x34
iconclass 11HH(CATHERINE)68 31E23621
The Hague, KB, 76 F 17
fol. 109v

Suffrage to St. Margaret of Antioch
St. Margaret of Antioch
Fol. 109v: miniature
109v 37x33
iconclass 11D123 11HH(MARGARET)52