The Hague, KB, 76 E 22
fol. 318v
Maccabees 1
One of the Jews in Egypt receives a letter from a messenger
Fol. 318v: historiated initial
318v 15x19
iconclass 12A7 46E1 46E221 46E231 49L12(E) 49L171 61D(EGYPT) 71Z44(2 Macc. 1:1-10)
The Hague, KB, 76 E 22
fol. 329r
Maccabees 2
Antiochus IV Epiphanes persecues the Jews
Fol. 329r: historiated initial
329r 16x22
iconclass 11I62(ANTIOCHUS IV EPIPHANES)5 12A7 31E234631 49L12(F) 49L171
The Hague, KB, 76 E 22
fol. 336r
Prologue to the Gospel of St. Matthew
The Evangelist St. Matthew with St. Luke's symbol the ox
Fol. 336r: historiated initial
336r 18x21
iconclass 11H(MATTHEW) 11I422 49L12(M) 49L171 49L72
The Hague, KB, 76 E 22
fol. 336v
Gospel of St. Matthew
The Tree of Jesse: genealogical tree sprouting from Jesse's loins
Fol. 336v: historiated initial
336v 37x20
iconclass 49L12(L) 49L171 73A21
The Hague, KB, 76 E 22
fol. 346v
Gospel of St. Mark
The Evangelist St. Mark with his symbol the lion
Fol. 346v: historiated initial
346v 65x9
iconclass 11H(MARK) 11I423 49L12(I) 49L171 49L72