The Hague, KB, 74 G 37a
fol. 19v

The martyrdom of St. Barbara: she is beheaded by her father Dioscuros
Fol. 19v: miniature
19v 55x35
iconclass 11HH(BARBARA)68 31A25441 31E23621
The Hague, KB, 74 G 37a
fol. 20r

Hours of the Cross
The arrest of Christ: the kiss of Judas; the ear of Malchus cut off by St. Peter
Fol. 20r: miniature
20r 55x35
iconclass 73D313 73D3142
The Hague, KB, 74 G 37a
fol. 29r

Hours of the Holy Spirit
Pentecost: the Holy Spirit descends upon Mary and the apostles
Fol. 29r: miniature
29r 55x35
iconclass 41A2 49LL72 49N 73E5
The Hague, KB, 74 G 37a
fol. 37r

Office of the Dead
A priest on his way to a dying person to administer extreme unction
Fol. 37r: miniature
37r 55x35
iconclass 11Q73271
The Hague, KB, 74 G 37a
fol. 83r

Christ and Mary enthroned in heaven with saints (All Saints)
Fol. 83r: miniature
83r 55x35
iconclass 11D331 11G192 11H(ALL SAINTS)