The Hague, KB, 74 G 27
fol. 89v
Ajax, fighting with one arm uncovered, is shot by an enemy arrow
Fol. 89v: miniature
89v 75x90
iconclass 45C15(ARROW) 45HH52 94H3 95A(AJAX THE GREAT)6
The Hague, KB, 74 G 27
fol. 90v
Antenor betrays Troy to the Greeks
Fol. 90v: miniature
90v 70x85
iconclass 94H141
The Hague, KB, 74 G 27
fol. 91v
The Trojan gate is enlarged to permit entrance to the Trojan Horse
Fol. 91v: miniature
91v 65x90
iconclass 25I1461 47G9 94H22
The Hague, KB, 74 G 27
fol. 92r
The fall of Troy
Fol. 92r: miniature
92r 55x90
iconclass 94H1
The Hague, KB, 74 G 27
fol. 93r
Circe changes Ulysses and his companions into animals
Fol. 93r: miniature
93r 95x90
iconclass 97C8