The Hague, KB, 74 G 27
fol. 74v
King Ceyx takes leave of his wife Alcyone
Fol. 74v: miniature
74v 85x90
iconclass 95B(ALCYONE & CEYX)22
The Hague, KB, 74 G 27
fol. 76r
Troilus counsels Priam about the abduction of Helen
Fol. 76r: miniature
76r 65x90
iconclass 44B124 94C14 95A(PRIAM)5 95A(TROILUS)5
The Hague, KB, 74 G 27
fol. 77r
Calchas is sent by Priam to Delphi
Fol. 77r: miniature
77r 90x90
iconclass 44B125 92B3721 94H32 95A(CALCHAS)5 95A(PRIAM)5
The Hague, KB, 74 G 27
fol. 78r
The legend of Hermaphroditus
Fol. 78r: miniature
78r 70x90
iconclass 92B591
The Hague, KB, 74 G 27
fol. 79r
Ulysses playing chess in his tent
Fol. 79r: miniature
79r 80x90
iconclass 43C521(+1) 45C41 94H31 95A(ULYSSES)5