The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 153v
Legend of a man showing his brother the hell
Fol. 153v: miniature
153v 101x149
iconclass 11K2 11T41 11T53 31A25552 42G2221
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 155r
Legend of the skull speaking to the hermit
Fol. 155r: miniature
155r 97x146
iconclass 11P31521 11Q331 31A211 31B6235 31E51 31F11 41D263
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 155v
Legend of the nobleman who denied the existence of God, but adored Mary
Fol. 155v: miniature
155v 98x146
iconclass 11K1 11K41 11Q651 13B334(+0) 46A124 73D6714
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 157r
Legend of the hermit who saw a good and a bad soul ascending from two dead men
Fol. 157r: miniature
157r 101x148
iconclass 11G1926 11K2 11P31521 31E12 31G311 31G361 41A761
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 158r
Legend of the three brothers who were knights and became criminals
Fol. 158r: miniature
158r 97x150
iconclass 31E234631 33B6 42G2221 44G511 45C13(SWORD) 45C22 46A124