The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 138v
Legend of the pious man raising a dead Saracen
Fol. 138v: miniature
138v 102x150
iconclass 11P31521 31E4 32B33(SARACENS)(+51) 42E141 49L72
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 139v
Legend of the clerk restrained by a miracle for robbing his abbey
Fol. 139v: miniature
139v 135x145
iconclass 11P3151 11P31521 31A25551(+9324) 44G522 49L72
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 141r
Legend of the hermit going to hell
Fol. 141r: miniature
141r 143x165
iconclass 11P3151 11P31521 11T41
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 141v
Legend of the two old and the two young hermits
Fol. 141v: miniature
141v 100x148
iconclass 11P31521 11P315332 31A25552 31D5 33A35 41C3 41C4
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 143r
Legend of the queen killing her Knight Marshal
Fol. 143r: miniature
143r 95x151
iconclass 31B11 31E234631 41A761 44BB113 45C13(SWORD) 45D311 46A124