The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 95v
Legend of the hermit surrounded by devils in the shape of a bear, a lion and a leopard
Fol. 95v: miniature
95v 87x149
iconclass 11K2(BEAR) 11K2(LEOPARD) 11K2(LION) 11K41 11P31521 11Q331 25F23(BEAR) 25F23(LEOPARD) 25F23(LION)
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 97r
Legend of the hermit ransoming the son of a knight
Fol. 97r: miniature
97r 95x155
iconclass 11P31521 41A711 41C321 44G3151
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 98v
Legend of the conversion of a profiteer
Fol. 98v: miniature
98v 96x151
iconclass 11P31521 11Q1 25F71(+1) 31A27412 46A1632 46B512
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 100r
Legend of a young man who told his father having sixty friends
Fol. 100r: miniature
100r 83x149
iconclass 33A35 33A5 42B111 42B7411(1)
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 101v
Legend of the monk making a picture of the devil and robbing his abbey
Fol. 101v: miniature
101v 99x151
iconclass 11K1 11P31521 11P315332 11Q71441 44G52(+512) 48C21 48C25(CHISEL) 48C25(MALLET)