The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 79r
Legend of the man who denied God the Father, but adored Mary
Fol. 79r: miniature
79r 100x145
iconclass 11FF4222 11F711 11F731 11F83 11Q11 11Q7141 31A2543 31A25551 48C24
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 81r
Legend of the man who found splinters between his corn and threw them by his neighbour
Fol. 81r: miniature
81r 85x144
iconclass 11P31521 11Q121 11Q732323 47I111 47I85(+0)
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 82v
Legend of the man praying 'Miserere tui Deus'
Fol. 82v: miniature
82v 97x144
iconclass 11P31521 11Q21 11Q7141
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 84r
Legend of the gardener with the wounded foot
Fol. 84r: miniature
84r 86x147
iconclass 31A25552 31A4632 41A761 42D3 47D8(AXE) 47I84 49G2 49G3211
The Hague, KB, 71 A 24
fol. 85r
Legend of the Knight Marshal asking the king to take care of his son
Fol. 85r: miniature
85r 91x142
iconclass 31A25552 31E113 41A761 42B111 42B7411(1) 44B113 44B127 46A124