The Hague, KB, 135 K 11
fol. 15v

Hours of the Eternal Wisdom
The Trinity: God the Father holding the crucifix (Mercy-Seat)
Fol. 15v: full-page miniature
15v 74x54
iconclass 11B3231
The Hague, KB, 135 K 11
fol. 56v

Hours of the Holy Spirit
Pentecost: the Holy Spirit descends upon Mary and the apostles
Fol. 56v: full-page miniature
56v 85x59
iconclass 49LL72 73E5
The Hague, KB, 135 K 11
fol. 89v

Long Hours of the Cross
The Crucifixion, with Mary and St. John
Fol. 89v: full-page miniature
89v 74x54
iconclass 73D58 73D641 73D672
The Hague, KB, 135 K 11
fol. 130v

Hours of the Virgin
The Annunciation: Gabriel announces Christ's birth to Mary
Fol. 130v: full-page miniature
130v 74x54
iconclass 11C23 11E1 49LL72 49N 73A523(+11) 73A523(+13)
The Hague, KB, 135 K 11
fol. 181v

Penitential Psalms
The Last Judgement: Christ on a rainbow raises the dead in the presence of Mary and St. John the Baptist
Fol. 181v: full-page miniature
181v 84x59
iconclass 11U1 11U4