The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 14v
Hours of the Virgin: Matins
Mary in the temple, seated at the weaving-loom
Fol. 14v: full-page miniature
14v 71x48
iconclass 73A354(+3)
The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 14v
Hours of the Virgin: Matins
St. Peter holding a key
Fol. 14v: margin
iconclass 11H(PETER) 41A3281
The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 15r
Hours of the Virgin: Matins
Madonna: Mary holding the Christ-child
Fol. 15r: historiated initial
15r 33x35
iconclass 11F4123 11F721 49L12(O) 49L171
The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 41v
Hours of the Virgin: Prime
The Annunciation: Gabriel announces Christ's birth to Mary
Fol. 41v: full-page miniature
41v 70x45
iconclass 11B44(+0) 11C23 11D12 11D21 49LL72 49N21 73A522(+11) 73A522(+12)
The Hague, KB, 135 J 50
fol. 42r
Hours of the Virgin: Prime
Salvator Mundi: Christ holding an orb
Fol. 42r: historiated initial
42r 36x36
iconclass 11D324(+0) 49L12(G) 49L171