The Hague, KB, 135 G 10
fol. 14v

Short Hours of the Cross: Matins
The arrest of Christ: the kiss of Judas; the ear of Malchus cut off by St. Peter
Fol. 14v: full-page miniature
14v 95x56
iconclass 73D313 73D3141
The Hague, KB, 135 G 10
fol. 16v

Short Hours of the Cross: Prime
Christ before Pilate
Fol. 16v: full-page miniature
16v 95x57
iconclass 73D323
The Hague, KB, 135 G 10
fol. 18v

Short Hours of the Cross: Terce
The tortures of Christ: Christ is flagellated
Fol. 18v: full-page miniature
18v 95x57
iconclass 73D351
The Hague, KB, 135 G 10
fol. 20v

Short Hours of the Cross: Sext
The carrying of the cross: Christ bears the cross
Fol. 20v: full-page miniature
20v 94x58
iconclass 73D41
The Hague, KB, 135 G 10
fol. 42v

Hours of the Virgin
The Annunciation: Gabriel announces Christ's birth to Mary
Fol. 42v: full-page miniature
42v 99x59
iconclass 11C23 11E1 49LL72 49N 73A523(+11) 73A523(+13)