The Hague, KB, 135 E 45
fol. 44v

Long Hours of the Cross: Terce
The tortures of Christ: Christ is crowned with thorns
Fol. 44v: miniature
44v 60x50
iconclass 73D352
The Hague, KB, 135 E 45
fol. 46r

Long Hours of the Cross: Sext
The carrying of the cross: Christ bears the cross
Fol. 46r: miniature
46r 55x50
iconclass 73D41
The Hague, KB, 135 E 45
fol. 47v

Long Hours of the Cross: None
The Crucifixion, with Mary, St. John, the confessing centurion and a soldier(?)
Fol. 47v: miniature
47v 60x50
iconclass 33A52 45B 73D58 73DD631 73DD625
The Hague, KB, 135 E 45
fol. 49r

Long Hours of the Cross: Vespers
The Deposition: Christ is taken down from the cross
Fol. 49r: miniature
49r 70x50
iconclass 73D711
The Hague, KB, 135 E 45
fol. 51r

Long Hours of the Cross: Compline
The entombment of Christ
Fol. 51r: miniature
51r 60x50
iconclass 73D76