The Hague, KB, 135 E 40
fol. 13v

Hours of the Virgin: Matins
The marriage of Mary and St. Joseph
Fol. 13v: full-page miniature
13v 100x65
iconclass 73A42
The Hague, KB, 135 E 40
fol. 20r

Hours of the Eternal Wisdom: Matins
The Creation: God creates Adam
Fol. 20r: historiated initial
20r 35x40
iconclass 49L12(H) 49L171 71A311
The Hague, KB, 135 E 40
fol. 27v

Hours of the Eternal Wisdom: Lauds
The Creation: God forms Eve from Adam's rib
Fol. 27v: historiated initial
27v 35x35
iconclass 49L12(G) 49L171 71A3421
The Hague, KB, 135 E 40
fol. 30r

Hours of the Eternal Wisdom: Prime
God warns Adam and Eve not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
Fol. 30r: historiated initial
30r 20x20
iconclass 49L12(G) 49L171 71A354
The Hague, KB, 135 E 40
fol. 32r

Hours of the Eternal Wisdom: Terce
The fall of man: Eve eats from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the presence of Adam
Fol. 32r: historiated initial
32r 30x30
iconclass 49L12(G) 49L171 71A421