The Hague, KB, 134 C 47
fol. 85r

Suffrage to St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, and the three children in the tub
Fol. 85r: miniature
85r 42x33
iconclass 11H(NICHOLAS)51 11P31131 11Q7562 31D1122(+73) 41A2411
The Hague, KB, 134 C 47
fol. 86r

Suffrage to St. Roch of Montpellier
St. Roch of Montpellier holding a book and a staff, with a wound on his leg
Fol. 86r: miniature
86r 42x33
iconclass 11H(ROCH) 11Q624 31A4632 49LL72
The Hague, KB, 134 C 47
fol. 87r

Suffrage to St. Anna
Anna selbdritt: Anna, Mary and the Christ-child close together
Fol. 87r: miniature
87r 42x33
iconclass 73A221
The Hague, KB, 134 C 47
fol. 88r

Suffrage to St. Catherine of Alexandria
St. Catherine of Alexandria holding a sword and a book, with a wheel at her feet
Fol. 88r: miniature
88r 41x33
iconclass 11HH(CATHERINE) 44G321(WHEEL) 45C13(SWORD) 49LL72
The Hague, KB, 134 C 47
fol. 88v

Suffrage to St. Barbara
St. Barbara holding a book, before the tower
Fol. 88v: miniature
88v 42x35
iconclass 11HH(BARBARA) 41A361 49L72