The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 132v
Pompey, Chapter 29
Perpenna offers to produce letters he took from Sertorius when he had him killed; the letters were from the chief men at Rome who wanted to change the government and had invited Sertorius to Italy: Pompey kills Perpenna and burns the letters without reading them
Fol. 132v: miniature
132v 300x175
iconclass 31E234631 31E236219 31E3 44F51 45C13(SWORD) 45H53 46E221 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans: Pompey, 20) 98B(PERPENNA, M.P.V.)68 98B(POMPEY)4
The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 140v
Pompey, Chapter 35
Romans pushed overboard by the pirates
Fol. 140v: miniature
140v 295x175
iconclass 25H23 31A2735 32B311(ROMANS) 44G56 44G562 46C24 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans: Pompey, 24) 98A(+9)
The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 147v
Pompey, Chapter 38
Pompey meets a group of senators and receives the Gabinian law that gives him the command of the army against the pirates
Fol. 147v: miniature
147v 295x175
iconclass 25I12 33A13 44B51 44B52 45D311 45F3 61E(ROME) 61K(GABINIAN LAW) 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans: Pompey, 26) 98B(POMPEY)5
The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 152r
Pompey, Chapter 42
Cretan pirates are killed by the soldiers of Metellus, against Pompey's wish; Metellus is discussing with Lucius Octavius, Pompey's officer, who was sent as general to fight in defense of the pirates
Fol. 152r: miniature
152r 300x175
iconclass 31E2355 31E23621 31E3 44G342 45C13(SWORD) 46C223 46C24 61E(CRETE) 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans: Pompey, 29) 98B(METELLUS, Q.C.)4 98B(OCTAVIUS, L.)5 98B(POMPEY)3
The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 159r
Pompey, Chapter 45
Pompey with his army suprises the camp of Mithridates VII, king of Pontus, near the Euphrates; at the time the moon stood just above the horizon and behind the Romans, so the long shadows thrown before the Romans made the Mithridates' soldiers miscalculate the distance ofthe Romans when they threw their javelins
Fol. 159r: miniature
159r 300x182
iconclass 23R14 24B11 25H213 31A28 31B17(+0) 31E3 41A761 45C41 45F43 45H33(+21) 45H4 61D(EUPHRATES) 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans: Pompey, 32) 98B(MITHRIDATES)5 98B(POMPEY)4