The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 73r
Scipio, Chapter 53
Lucius Scipio being dragged to prison after being judged guilty of corruption by the tribunal of Terentius Culeo
Fol. 73r: miniature
73r 305x185
iconclass 31AA25192 31A25212 31A2734 44G112 44G13 45C13(SWORD) 49L71 98B(SCIPIO ASIATICUS, Lucius C.)6 98B(TERENTIUS CULEO)5
The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 78v
Plutarch writing the history of Pompey: Gnaeus Pompeius Sextus Strabo and his son Pompey
Fol. 78v: full-page miniature
78v 303x175
iconclass 41A4231 41A712 45D311 45D313 48C911 49L511 49LL71 49L72 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans) 98B(PLUTARCH)5 98B(POMPEY)1 98B(STRABO, G.P.S.)5
The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 92v
Pompey, Chapter 1
Strabo struck by lightning
Fol. 92v: full-page miniature
92v 285x170
iconclass 25I144 26E2 31A25212 31E228 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans: Pompey 1) 98B(POMPEY)5 98B(STRABO, G.P.S.)68
The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 92v
Pompey, Chapter 1
Mourning the dead Strabo
Fol. 92v: full-page miniature
92v 285x170
iconclass 31A25212 41A761 42E131 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans: Pompey, 1) 98B(POMPEY)5 98B(STRABO, G.P.S.)68
The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 97r
Pompey, Chapter 5
Lucius Terentius, approaches the bed with drawn sword to kill his tentmate Pompey, during the war between Pompey's father and Cinna; Pompey, who had been informed of the plot had left the tent
Fol. 97r: miniature
97r 292x180
iconclass 33B6 41A761 44F552 45B31 45C13(SWORD) 45C41 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans: Pompey, 3) 98B(CINNA, L. Corn.)3 98B(POMPEY)5 98B(STRABO, G.P.S.)3 98B(TERENTIUS, L.)4