The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 216r
Pompey, Chapter 89
Caesar moving into Brundisium (Brindisi) after Pompey has left the city; Pompey before embarking dug up all the ground inside the city, cutting trenches and fixing stakes and palissades through the streets
Fol. 216r: miniature
216r 295x180
iconclass 25H23 33A11 45F5 45K111 45K121 45K14 46C24(+62) 46C5141 61E(BRINDISI) 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans: Pompey, 62) 98B(CAESAR)42 98B(POMPEY)3
The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 226v
Pompey, Chapter 90
Pompey entering the camp of Caesar
Fol. 226v: full-page miniature
226v 295x175
iconclass 31E3 41C3 45C41 45H1 45H1(+22) 45H4 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans: Pompey, 65) 98B(CAESAR)42 98B(POMPEY)4
The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 233r
Pompey, Chapter 91
Pompey stops at the port of Mitylene to take his wife Cornelia and his son: the messenger who is sent to fetch her informs her of Pompey's misfortune by weeping instead of speaking; Cornelia swoons
Fol. 233r: miniature
233r 295x180
iconclass 25I141 46E1 46E2322 61E(MITYLENE) 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans: Pompey, 74) 98B(POMPEY)3 98C(CORNELIA)6
The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 233r
Pompey, Chapter 91
Cornelia joins Pompey aboard the only ship he has left and faints in his arms
Fol. 233r: miniature
233r 295x180
iconclass 25H23 46C223 46C24 61E(MITYLENE) 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans: Pompey, 74) 98B(POMPEY)52(+0) 98C(CORNELIA)6
The Hague, KB, 134 C 19
fol. 237r
Pompey, Chapter 94
Death of Pompey: after leaving his galley, Pompey is murdered by Septimius and Achilas in the boat sent to bring him ashore
Fol. 237r: miniature
237r 290x180
iconclass 25H13 31AA25212 31A2747 31E234631 45C13(SWORD) 45C41 45F33(+21) 46C23 46C24 83(PLUTARCH, Parallel Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans: Pompey, 79) 98B(ACHILAS)4 98B(POMPEY)68 98B(SEPTIMIUS, Lucius)4 98C(CORNELIA)6