The Hague, KB, 133 M 124
fol. 13v
Hours of the Virgin
The Annunciation: Gabriel announces Christ's birth to Mary
Fol. 13v: full-page miniature
13v 90x60
iconclass 11C23 11E1 49LL 72 49N 73A523(+11) 73A523(+13)
The Hague, KB, 133 M 124
fol. 14r
Hours of the Virgin
Madonna: Mary standing on the crescent, holding the Christ-child
Fol. 14r: historiated initial
14r 46x50
iconclass 11F4132 49L12(H) 49L171
The Hague, KB, 133 M 124
fol. 44v
Penitential Psalms
The Last Judgement: Christ on a rainbow raises the dead in the presence of Mary and St. John the Baptist; trumpeting angels
Fol. 44v: full-page miniature
44v 90x61
iconclass 11U1 11U4
The Hague, KB, 133 M 124
fol. 45r
Penitential Psalms
David at prayer
Fol. 45r: historiated initial
45r 44x53
iconclass 49L12(H) 49L171 71H611
The Hague, KB, 133 M 124
fol. 63v
Short Hours of the Cross
The Crucifixion, with Mary, St. John and St. Mary Magdalene
Fol. 63v: full-page miniature
63v 90x58
iconclass 73D58 73D643 73D672