The Hague, KB, 133 D 14
fol. 17v

Suffrage to St. George and St. Nicholas
St. George fighting the dragon and St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, holding a crozier
Fol. 17v: full-page miniature
17v 144x116
iconclass 11H(GEORGE)41(+0) 11H(NICHOLAS) 11P31131 11Q7562
The Hague, KB, 133 D 14
fol. 19v

Short Hours of the Cross
The Crucifixion, with Mary and St. John
Fol. 19v: full-page miniature
19v 140x97
iconclass 73D58 73D641
The Hague, KB, 133 D 14
fol. 23v

Hours of the Virgin: Matins
The Annunciation: Gabriel announces Christ's birth to Mary
Fol. 23v: full-page miniature
23v 143x98
iconclass 49LL72 49N 73A523
The Hague, KB, 133 D 14
fol. 32r

Hours of the Virgin: Lauds
The Visitation: Mary meets St. Elisabeth
Fol. 32r: historiated initial
32r 50x60
iconclass 49L12(D) 49L171 73A622
The Hague, KB, 133 D 14
fol. 42r

Hours of the Virgin: Prime
The Nativity: the adoration of the Christ-child by Mary and St. Joseph
Fol. 42r: historiated initial
42r 50x60
iconclass 49L12(D) 49L171 73B23