The Hague, KB, 133 A 1
fol. 139v

Chapter 63
St. Pachomius hears a voice coming from heaven
Fol. 139v: miniature
139v 60x54
iconclass 11C23 11H(PACHOMIUS)34 11P31131 11P31521 11Q21 11Q331
The Hague, KB, 133 A 1
fol. 140r

Chapter 64
The death of St. Palaemon
Fol. 140r: miniature
140r 59x55
iconclass 11H(PALAEMON)68 11P31521 11Q331 41A731 41A761 41C111 41C621 48C5142
The Hague, KB, 133 A 1
fol. 140v

Chapter 65
St. Pachomius meets his brother John
Fol. 140v: miniature
140v 59x54
iconclass 11H(PACHOMIUS)4 11P3151 11P31521 11Q331 33A13 41D263 42G2221 46C5141 98B(JOHN)5
The Hague, KB, 133 A 1
fol. 142r

Chapter 69
St. Pachomius maltreated by two devils; his staff is broken
Fol. 142r: miniature
142r 61x53
iconclass 11H(PACHOMIUS)6 11K31 11P31131 11P3151 11P31521 11Q331 45C12(CLUB) 54BB31
The Hague, KB, 133 A 1
fol. 143ra

Chapter 71
St. Pachomius prays that he will never need sleep again
Fol. 143ra: miniature
143ra 60x57
iconclass 11H(PACHOMIUS)33(+11) 11P31131 11P3151 11P31521 11Q21 11Q31 11Q331