The Hague, KB, 128 C 4
fol. 24v

Chapter 14
Third seal: the man on the black horse with a pair of scales (3rd of 6)
Fol. 24v: drawing
24v 320x225
iconclass 73G3113
The Hague, KB, 128 C 4
fol. 24v

Chapter 14
Fourth seal: Death as devilish being on the pale green horse with a sword and Hades (inscribed 'Faminne'), as a devil from the underworld following him (4th of 6)
Fol. 24v: drawing
24v 320x225
iconclass 11K2 11T41 31F27 41C1190 45C13(SWORD) 73G3114(+0)
The Hague, KB, 128 C 4
fol. 24v

Chapter 14
The four winds (as human heads) are restrained by four angels (5th of 6)
Fol. 24v: drawing
24v 320x225
iconclass 31A221 73G33
The Hague, KB, 128 C 4
fol. 24v

Chapter 14
The angel with the golden censer filling it with the fire of the altar and casting it into the earth (6th of 6)
Fol. 24v: drawing
24v 320x225
iconclass 11G1924 11Q71427 11Q71441 25II1 73G314
The Hague, KB, 128 C 4
fol. 25r

Chapter 14
The first angel sounds: hail and fire mixed with blood are cast upon the earth, burning the trees (1st of 3)
Fol. 25r: drawing
25r 320x225
iconclass 25G11 41B4 73G321