The Hague, MMW, 10 F 14
fol. 89r

Prayer of the Rosary
Raising of Lazarus (2nd of 5)
Fol. 89r: miniature
89r 20x20
iconclass 31A2535 73C523
The Hague, MMW, 10 F 14
fol. 89r

Prayer of the Rosary
The Supper at Bethany: St. Mary Magdalene anoints Christ's feet (3rd of 5)
Fol. 89r: miniature
89r 20x20
iconclass 41C3 73D132
The Hague, MMW, 10 F 14
fol. 89r

Prayer of the Rosary
The Last Supper: Christ and the apostles at table
Fol. 89r: miniature
89r 20x20
iconclass 11D3341 73D242
The Hague, MMW, 10 F 14
fol. 89r

Prayer of the Rosary: Pater Noster
The five wounded limbs of Christ: heart, hands, and feet and crown of thorns (5th of 5)
Fol. 89r: miniature
89r 20x20
iconclass 73D82(CROWN OF THORNS) 73D83
The Hague, MMW, 10 F 14
fol. 89v

Prayer of the Rosary
The Agony in the Garden: Christ prays in Gethsemane (1st of 5)
Fol. 89v: miniature
89v 20x20
iconclass 73D31211