The Hague, MMW, 10 F 11
fol. 38r

Hours of the Virgin: None
Crucifixion, with Mary and St. John
Fol. 38r: miniature
38r 104x86
iconclass 31AA25212 73D58 73D641
The Hague, MMW, 10 F 11
fol. 40r

Hours of the Virgin: Vespers
The Deposition: Christ is taken down from the cross
Fol. 40r: miniature
40r 100x86
iconclass 73D711
The Hague, MMW, 10 F 11
fol. 55v

Penitential Psalms
The Last Judgement: Christ on a rainbow raises the dead; trumpeting angels
Fol. 55v: full-page miniature
55v 136x84
iconclass 11U1 11U21
The Hague, MMW, 10 F 11
fol. 65v

Litany. Originally before f. 88r: Psalms of the Passion of Christ
Man of Sorrows: Christ hovering above his tomb, with the Instruments of the Passion
Fol. 65v: full-page miniature
65v 134x84
iconclass 73D731
The Hague, MMW, 10 F 11
fol. 66v

Office of the Dead
Funeral service
Fol. 66v: miniature
66v 98x86
iconclass 11P3121 11Q742 42E141 42E241