The Hague, MMW, 10 E 3
fol. 68v

Hours of the Virgin: Lauds
The Visitation: Mary meets St. Elisabeth
Fol. 68v: full-page miniature with border decoration
68v 90x52
iconclass 73A623
The Hague, MMW, 10 E 3
fol. 80v

Hours of the Virgin: Prime
The Nativity: the adoration of the Christ-child by Mary, St. Joseph and two angels
Fol. 80v: full-page miniature with border decoration
80v 97x62
iconclass 11G21 11G25 48C7344(TRIANGLE) 48C7352 73B23(+3) 73B281(+0)
The Hague, MMW, 10 E 3
fol. 80v

Hours of the Virgin: Prime
Angels making music; a vine
Fol. 80v: margin (camaeu)
iconclass 11G21 48C7344(TRIANGLE) 48C7352
The Hague, MMW, 10 E 3
fol. 85v

Hours of the Virgin: Terce
The annunciation of Christ's birth to the shepherds
Fol. 85v: full-page miniature with border decoration
85v 102x62
iconclass 73B14
The Hague, MMW, 10 E 3
fol. 85v

Hours of the Virgin: Terce
Shepherd dancing
Fol. 85v: margin (camaeu)
iconclass 43C942 47I221