The Hague, MMW, 10 B 25
fol. 4v
Unicornis (a unicorn), its head in a woman's lap, is stabbed with a sword by a hunter
Fol. 4v: miniature
4v 54x108
iconclass 25FF241(+764) 25FF2411 31A239(+934) 45C13(SWORD) 46C131
The Hague, MMW, 10 B 25
fol. 5r
Linx (lynx)
Fol. 5r: miniature
5r 49x65
iconclass 25F23(LYNX)
The Hague, MMW, 10 B 25
fol. 5r
A griffin (eagle/lion) grabbing an animal (prey)
Fol. 5r: miniature
5r 48x65
iconclass 25FF231(+7452)
The Hague, MMW, 10 B 25
fol. 5v
Elephas (an elephant) with howdah (houda) in the shape of a castle
Fol. 5v: miniature
5v 56x88
iconclass 25F25(ELEPHANT)(+82) 46C132(+0) 61G(HOUDA) 61G(HOWDAH)
The Hague, MMW, 10 B 25
fol. 6v
Castor (beaver) shows the hunter that it has already bitten off its own testicles
Fol. 6v: miniature
6v 81x108
iconclass 25F26(BEAVER)(+64) 25F26(BEAVER)(+3211) 43C114 45C15(BOW AND ARROW)