The Hague, MMW, 10 B 23
fol. 467r

Gospel of St. Matthew
The massacre of the Innocents: Herod's men kill the newborn boys of Bethlehem
Fol. 467r: miniature
467r 160x148
iconclass 11K2 73B633
The Hague, MMW, 10 B 23
fol. 467r

Gospel of St. Matthew
The Flight into Egypt: Mary, St. Joseph and the Christ-child on their way; miracle of the quick-growing corn
Fol. 467r: miniature
467r 160x148
iconclass 73B641 73B6422
The Hague, MMW, 10 B 23
fol. 468r

Gospel of St. Matthew
The baptism of Christ by St. John the Baptist; St. John the Baptist preaching: 'the axe is laid to the root of the trees'
Fol. 468r: miniature
468r 68x68
iconclass 73C111 73C121
The Hague, MMW, 10 B 23
fol. 468v

Gospel of St. Matthew
Temptations of Christ in the desert by Satan: 'command these stones to become loaves of bread'
Fol. 468v: miniature
468v 62x68
iconclass 11K2 73C221
The Hague, MMW, 10 B 23
fol. 470v

Gospel of St. Matthew
Christ healing a leper
Fol. 470v: miniature
470v 68x68
iconclass 41C32 41D263 73C451