The Hague, MMW, 10 A 12
fol. 2r

Book 11
St. Augustine and the city of God with Mercy-Seat; Hell
Fol. 2r: miniature
2r 201x205
iconclass 11B3231(+31) 11G25 11H(AUGUSTINE)37 11K2 11L61 11L611 11S11 11T13 11T14 11T41 25I12 25I41 41A12 41A54 46A212 46C13141 47I122 47I21 49LL72
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 12
fol. 19r

Book 12
Fall of the rebel angels
Fol. 19r: miniature
19r 85x90
iconclass 11G321 11G33 11K2 11L61 11S11(+0) 11T13
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 12
fol. 32r

Book 13
The fall of man: Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
Fol. 32r: miniature
32r 80x87
iconclass 11L61 31E3 71A421
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 12
fol. 44r

Book 14
God blesses Adam and Eve; institution of marriage
Fol. 44r: miniature
44r 90x88
iconclass 11L61 71A352
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 12
fol. 63v

Book 15
Cain slays Abel with a spade; The Great Flood: the ark of Noah floating on the waters
Fol. 63v: miniature
63v 90x88
iconclass 11L61 31E23421 47I15(SPADE) 71A82 71B3311