The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 423v

Book 9, 22
The angels as blessed and eternal, contemplating God the Father; the demons conjecture temporal matters; group of men and women discussing; sun and moon
Fol. 423v: column miniature
423v 120x80
iconclass 11C23 11G1911 11G25 11K2 11L61 22C312 24A 24B 31A25552 31A25552(+932) 31D14 31D15 33A35 56B21(+3)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 424v

Book 9, 23
Pagans kneeling before devils; Christians kneeling before God the Father (background)
Fol. 424v: column miniature
424v 120x80
iconclass 11C23 11G1911 11G25 11K2 11L61 11Q2 12B211 22C312 31A2331 31A25212 31A25552
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 427r

Book 10, 1
Coat of arms of Philippe de Commines
Fol. 427r: margin
iconclass 11L61 21C 25F23(WOLF)(+12) 45C221 46A122(PHILIPPE DE COMMINES)1 61B2(PHILIPPE DE COMMINES)3
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 427r

Book 10, 1
Porphyrius with pagans adoring the demons, St. Augustine with monks (one with the cross of the monastic order Trinitarians or Mathurins) and priests worshipping the Trinity as three identical persons
Fol. 427r: miniature
427r 230x184
iconclass 11B311 11G21 11H(AUGUSTINE)341(+0) 11K2 11K5 11L61 11P31131 11P3121 11P315(TRINITARIANS) 11P31521 11Q2 22C312 25H16 31A233 48C7311 48C7352 49LL72 98B(PORPHYRIUS)5
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 429v

Book 10, 2
St. John the Baptist preaching; God the Father and the Christ-child
Fol. 429v: column miniature
429v 120x80
iconclass 11C23 11D261 11G1911 11L61 22C312 25H155 31AA2351 31A25552 31A25552(+932) 31A2764 33A34 73C11 73C111(+0)