The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 344v
Book 7, 26
Saturn devouring his children; priests of Cybele (Galli) emasculating themselves
Fol. 344v: column miniature
344v 120x80
iconclass 11L61 12F219 12F51(GALLI) 25H114 31D111(+89) 31E3 33C71 44B1321(+0) 45K14 91B11141 92L2 92L29
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 346v
Book 7, 27
The pagans worshipping devils; Christians and souls adoring God the Father
Fol. 346v: column miniature
346v 120x80
iconclass 11C23 11G1911 11K2 11K5 11L61 11P162 11Q2 11S63 22C312 31A233 31AA2331 31A27631(+0) 31AA27631(+0) 31D14(+89) 31D15(+89) 31G4
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 347v
Book 7, 28
Janus on his throne (the celestial god or sky) and Tellus (terrestrial goddess or earth) between animals
Fol. 347v: column miniature
347v 120x80
iconclass 11L61 24A 24B 25F23(BEAR) 25F23(LION) 25F23(LION)(+15) 25F23(WOLF) 25H15 31A25552 31A27631(+0) 34B11 44B1212 96A127 96A28(+7)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 349r
Book 7, 29
God and his Creation: the sky, the earth and everything that exists in them: men, women, animals, plants and angels
Fol. 349r: column miniature
349r 120x80
iconclass 11A1 11C231(+0) 11G1911 11G192 11G25 11L61 11Q2 25F23(LION) 25F24(STAG) 25F26(RABBIT) 25H15 26B2 31A27631(+0) 31D14 31D15 47I213
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 350r
Book 7, 30
Men and women praying; souls, escaping the body of a man and a woman, are received by angels
Fol. 350r: column miniature
350r 120x80
iconclass 11C23 11G1911 11L61 11Q2 22C312 25F23(FOX)(+63) 25F23(LION) 25F24(STAG) 25F26(RABBIT) 25F62 25H13 25H15 31A2331 31AA2331 31A25212 31A2763 31D14(+89) 31D15(+89) 31E3 31G31 31G311(+0) 46C24