The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 270r

Book 5, 22
Battle between Romans and Samnites: defeated by the Samnites the Roman army pass under the yoke after the battle of Caudinae Furculae (2nd of 2)
Fol. 270r: column miniature
270r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 32B2(SAMNITES) 32B311(ROMANS) 33A12 45C22 45I6(+22) 45I71 54FF15(+5) 98B(PONTIUS HERENNIUS) 61I(BATTLE OF CAUDINAE FURCULAE)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 271v

Book 5, 23
Radagaisus, king of the Goths, with a sacrifice before an idol; Radagaisus being captured in Fiesole during the siege of Florence with God's help (background)
Fol. 271v: column miniature
271v 120x80
iconclass 11A23 11C231 11L61 12L2121 12L63 22C312 25I12 32B2(GOTHS) 32B311(ROMANS) 45H53 45I1 47I214 61B2(RADAGAISUS)21 61E(FLORENCE)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 272v

Book 5, 24
The good king is honoured by his subjects; the bad king is despoiled and scourged by his subjects (background)
Fol. 272v: column miniature
272v 120x80
iconclass 11C23 11G1911 11L61 22C312 31A233 33A11(+0) 44B121 44B1322 44B17 44B61 44G321(SCOURGE) 44G3731
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 273v

Book 5, 25
Constantine with his three sons among whom he divided his empire; senators; the building of Constantinople (background)
Fol. 273v: column miniature
273v 120x80
iconclass 11H(CONSTANTINE)4 11L61 25F23(BEAR)(+82) 25I11 31A2524 31A25552 34B11 44B112 44B121 44B124 47B131 45C13(SWORD) 47G3 47G311 47G52 49L71 61B2(CONSTANS)21 61B2(CONSTANTINE II)21 61B2(CONSTANTIUS)21 61E(CONSTANTINOPLE)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 279r

Book 5, 26
Maximus kills Gratianus (1st of 4)
Fol. 279r: column miniature
279r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 25I12 31E234631 33B6 98B(GRATIANUS)68 98B(MAXIMUS, Magnus)4