The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 100v
Book 3, 6
Remus is brought before Romulus
Fol. 100v: column miniature
100v 120x80
iconclass 11L61 31A233 31A25552(+9211) 44B121 44B1321 44G3121 45C13(SWORD) 96C(REMUS)6 96C(ROMULUS)33 96C(ROMULUS)4
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 101r
Book 3, 7
Second destruction of Troy by Caius Flavius Fimbria, Roman officer, known for his cruelty
Fol. 101r: column miniature
101r 120x80
iconclass 11K2 11K43(+0) 11L61 31E234631 31E3 32B311(ROMANS) 45C13(SWORD) 45K14 45K27 45K31 45L42 45M2 61D(TROIA) 61E(ILIUM) 98B(FIMBRIA, Caius Flavius)4
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 102v
Book 3, 8
Conquest of Rome by the Gauls
Fol. 102v: column miniature
102v 120x80
iconclass 11L61 31E23462 31E234631 31E3 32B2(GAULS) 32B311(ROMANS) 45C13(SWORD) 45C14(LANCE) 45K14 45H33 45L42 45M2 61E(ROME)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 103r
Book 3, 9
Numa Pompilius installs the feasts of January and February before the statue of Janus
Fol. 103r: column miniature
103r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 12F63 31A25552(+932) 32B311(ROMANS) 44B121 44B1321 45A20 96A1279 96A128(JANUS' HEAD) 98B(NUMA POMPILIUS)5
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 105v
Book 3, 10
The Golden Age - man lives happily, gathering seeds and fruits under the reign of Saturn - a symbolic representation of the peaceful situation Numa Pompilius aims to achieve
Fol. 105v: column miniature
105v 120x80
iconclass 11L61 25H119 25H15 31A2524 31D14(+89) 31D15(+89) 33A34 41A196 41D91 41D92 45A20 91B1113 91E21 98B(NUMA POMPILIUS)3