The Hague, KB, 128 C 4
fol. 12r
Chapter 4
Map of the world: the people of the earth
Fol. 12r: schematic drawing
12r 250x250
iconclass 25A1
The Hague, KB, 128 C 4
fol. 31r
Chapter 15
Map of the world and the winds
Fol. 31r: schematic drawing
31r 245x245
iconclass 25A11 26C14 48A98211(+0) 49D11(12)
The Hague, KB, 128 C 4
fol. 153r
Chapter 80
Scheme of the map of the world with moon, sun and five planets
Fol. 153r: schematic drawing
153r 182x182
iconclass 24A 24B 24C1 24G 25A11
The Hague, KB, 128 C 4
fol. 172v-173r
Chapter 111
Zonal world map showing the continents
Fol. 172v-173r: schematic drawing
172v-173r 360x360
iconclass 25A15 25A2(+0)
The Hague, KB, 128 C 4
fol. 388v
Chapter 153
Map of the world with the phases of the moon, the planets and the sun
Fol. 388v: schematic drawing
388v 275x230
iconclass 24A 24B 24C 25A11