The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 6r
Second prologue of Augustine
The Heavenly City and the Earthly City: Pride versus Humility - represented by the various kinds of social behaviour of ladies
Fol. 6r: miniature
6r 250x187
iconclass 11L61 11N31 25I14 31A233(+911) 31A543 46A21 46A23 49G21 49G22 57A64(+6) 57AA64(+6)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 6r
Second prologue of Augustine
The Heavenly City and the Earthly City: Envy and Jealousy versus Charity, Benevolence, and Piety - represented by the contrast between the slanderer and devout men and women
Fol. 6r: miniature
6r 250x187
iconclass 11L61 11M312 11M33 11N32 11Q751 31A25552(+9211) 31A2331 31AA2331 33A1 33A14 33B13 49LL72 57A7(+6) 57AA76(+6)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 13v
Book 1, 9
Monks turn away from vices, represented by scenes (1st of 2)
Fol. 13v: column miniature
13v 120x80
iconclass 11G1921 11L61 11N3 11O 11P31521 33B3 33C232 41A2 41C3 41C4(+3) 42D3 46A16 46B311 46B51 48C7322 48C7522 57A6(+6) 57AA6(+6)
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 47r
Book 2, 7
Jupiter kissing Ganymede while dropping a golden shower in Danae's lap: exemplum of vice for the youth (2nd of 2)
Fol. 47r: column miniature
47r 120x80
iconclass 11L61 31A25552 31A27411 31D11221 33A14 33C232 44B1212 44B128 44B1322 57AA1(+5) 92B1217(+0) 92D8
The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11
fol. 69v
Book 2, 20
Pagan customs: men and women at a meal and in bath; brothel-scene (Viciousness) (1st of 2)
Fol. 69v: column miniature
69v 120x80
iconclass 11L61 31A5451 31A5454 32B311(ROMANS) 33C41 33C51 33C52 41A23 41A24 41A7612 41C3 41C52(+0) 49LL71 49N 57AA6(+6)