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Full reference manuscripts

The Hague, KB, 131 F 18

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Place of origin, date:

Naples, Master of Isabella di Chiaromonte, Matteo Felice (iluminators); c. 1465-1470. Added miniature (f. 14v): Spain; c. 1500-1510


Vellum, ff. 210, 226x163 (140x85) mm, 19 lines, littera humanistica textualis, Binding: 16th-century black leather; blind made in Spain


7 historiated initials (...x... mm) with border decoration; 1 illustration in the margin (coats of arms); decorated initials with border decoration (ff. #); penwork initials (ff. )
Added: 1 miniature ( X mm) with border decoration; 4 illustrations in the margin; 1 illustration in the margin (coat of arms)


Possibly made for a member of the family dïAvalos (cf. Toscano 1995b, nt. 41). Purchased in 1910 from antiquarian booksellers Ellis and Elves, London


Calendar of Emiglia-Romagna: feasts in red include St. Petronius, bishop of Bologna (4 October), and in black St. Vitalis and St. Agricola (4 November). 1 historiated initial missing before f. 60 (Psalm 52)


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