The Hague, KB, 73 J 55
fol. 1r

Cato the Elder and his son
Fol. 1r: miniature
1r 114x99
iconclass 42B7411 49LL72 49N21 98B(CATO THE ELDER)5 98B(CATO THE YOUNGER)5
The Hague, KB, 73 J 55
fol. 27r

Commentaire sur le Livre des Revelations de St. Jean
The Evangelist St. John with his symbol the eagle on Patmos, the devil stealing the ink-well
Fol. 27r: miniature
27r 107x86
iconclass 11I421 11K4 49L62 73G11
The Hague, KB, 73 J 55
fol. 51r

Meditations on the Passion of Christ
A writer presents his book to four women
Fol. 51r: miniature
51r 111x100
iconclass 44B153 48A12 48C91 49L72
The Hague, KB, 73 J 55
fol. 56v

Meditations on the Passion of Christ
Christ at Gethsemane
Fol. 56v: miniature
56v 90x99
iconclass 73D31211
The Hague, KB, 73 J 55
fol. 67r

Meditations on the Passion of Christ
Christ before Caiaphas
Fol. 67r: miniature
67r 119x100
iconclass 73D322